Sports Massage

Sports massage/Deep tissue massage

55 minutes £ 48,  85 minutes £70

Sports massage involves the manipulation of soft tissue, including skin, fascia, muscles, tendons and ligaments. Imbalances that occur in the soft tissues that may be caused from repetitive and strenuous physical activity, sports and trauma or from working at the computer on the dining room table recently. This massage uses a variety of soft tissue techniques to release the tissues and restore balance. 

Used in combination with hands on massage the following treatment can also be used:

Ultrasound therapy and Dry Needling (Acupuncture)

Commonly it is used to reduce pain, improve mobility and prepare or recover for exercise and to aid recovery from injury.

Clients come in from all walks of life, this is not just for sports people.

Benefits can be:

-Increased muscular flexibility

-An increased joint range of movement

-Improved recovery from sports injuries

-Increased circulation for tight or tired muscles

-Increased neurological excitability

-Reduces tension

-Releases endorphins, thus stress relieving

-Readies the body for activity

-Recover and repair soft tissue injuries ‘Pre-rehabilitation’

-Reduces pain

If you are in pain or discomfort I can help ease the muscles causing this pain. Leaving you with more mobility and a lot less pain.

Call Me on 07411332510
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